Welcome to Jamisons’ Center of Kindness, Inc.
“One drop of kindness in a life has a ripple effect.”
Jamisons’ Center of Kindness, Inc. (JCOK) is a 501 (c) (3) organization founded in 2003, on the foundation of kindness, consideration, and respect for the less fortunate.
We’ve started a community garden in the Pinehurst neighborhood and need funding to renovate and operate a counseling center.
Open board of directors position
We are seeking enthusiastic people with gifts, talents, and skills to join our board of directors. We have meetings remotely, so people from across the USA can be a part of the organization. If you’re interested, then contact us at info@jcok.org.
A “lamplight” for the abused and hurting
The renovation of the historic home, into a counseling center for abused men, women, children, and senior citizens, is central to our mission and goal for the community that we love and serve. Your support is needed to fund the renovation project and make Lamp Light a reality to heal the generational hurt and pain caused by abuse. To learn more about this endeavor, please reach out to us at info@jcok.org or you can contribute today. We greatly appreciate your support!